To Every End There Is A Beginning…

It’s not every day that you have a life changing experience.  Some would go as far as to say that they are difficult to come across, as if we are only allotted a certain number of them in our lifetime.  Why?  We have 365 days in each year of our lives to learn, to thrive, to evolve.  So why do we pass up so many opportunities to do so?  Most likely, we are not going to have 365 epic, dramatic life events each year, but why close off to the possibility that we could?  In the three months that I spent driving around our beautiful country, this is the most valuable lesson I came home with.  Life is richer when you open to that possibility.  Because once you do, the number of those life changing experiences increases and you are suddenly filled with more epic moments than you could possibly recall in one conversation…

My final days on the road could not have been filled with more amazing moments.  The drive from Portland to Teton Village/Jackson Hole was long but fantastically gorgeous.  The landscape in Oregon was beautiful and peaceful, and the sunset that welcomed us in Wyoming had me speechless.  The sky was colored with the most vibrant shades of pink, purple and orange.  Though I had seen the Wyoming sky once before when I drove through the night from Boulder to San Fran, this was the first time I had seen it lit up with such color.  Intoxicated off of that sunset, we finished our drive through the mountains, all smiles.  You know that feeling you get after a REALLY relaxing massage?  Well mix that with the “butterflies in your stomach” sensation, and thats how I felt stepping out of the car in Teton Village; instantly happy, calm, content.   Our accommodations were nestled against a mountain, next to a gondola and right outside of Grand Teton National Park.  Perfect doesn’t begin to describe it.  We checked in, unpacked and immediately called the front desk to book an extra night.  I could not pass up the opportunity to stay longer… It was love at first sight.

While in the Tetons, we packed in as much as we possibly could over the course of a few days, starting with whitewater rafting on the Snake River.  A few hours of fun rapids accompanied by new friends and several bald eagles, made for the perfect morning.  Parting from our awesome rafting guide and fellow travelers, we headed towards Grand Teton for our first hike, Phelps Lake at the bottom of Death Canyon.  I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves…ImageImage

The following day we headed to a different section of the park for some kayaking, swimming and more hiking.  We rented a tandem kayak and spent the morning and afternoon on String Lake, one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to.  The entire lake is walkable, and I am not referring to the trail on its perimeter.  As we paddled around the lake, there was also a couple walking through it.  The lake is so shallow throughout, that we could get out of the kayak at any point and stand up.  And it is crystal clear.  I felt like I was kayaking through the Caribbean, in the middle of the mountains.  See for yourself… ImageImage

We ended our last day with an evening in Jackson Hole and dinner at a place called Local.  After an unbelievable, fresh, locally caught trout dinner, we headed back to Teton Village to pack for the trek home.

I didn’t want to leave.  This place captivated my heart and begged me to stay.  The hiking is phenomenal and the list of things to do outdoors is endless.  But what really got me was the sky.  At home in New Jersey I could spend hours looking up on a clear night.  But in Wyoming, I have never seen something more spectacular.  The night sky and the stars were so vast, they just swallow you whole.  It was mesmerizing and unforgettable.  Remember those life changing moments I was telling you about?  Well laying under the Wyoming sky was one of them.  I have had many this summer, but they all come in different shapes and sizes.  Some moments were conquering fear, while others were personal growth, learning, or connecting with someone.  In whichever way these moments presented themselves, all were powerful, life changing and memorable.

The time finally came for me to finish this trip.  The plan was to leave the Tetons, drive all day, stay overnight in Nebraska, drive all day, stay overnight in Ohio and then drive the final hours straight back to New Jersey.  Well surprise, surprise, the plans changed.  About 4 hours into our drive out of Wyoming, I looked at mom and knew we were thinking the same thing.  We had no hotel reservations yet, so why not just keep driving? Well that’s exactly what we did until we got to New Jersey.  35 hours straight on the road and we were home.  I don’t know if it was adrenaline or the fact that I’ve gotten used to long drives, but we did it.  As soon as my tires hit the driveway, I slammed the car in park, bolted up the stairs and nearly broke my back jumping into the open arms of my family. Happy family, happy puppies and yummy cupcakes greeted me as I arrived home.  What an amazing feeling.

The decision to adventure alone across the country was the scariest, most exciting, and wisest decision I could have made for myself.  Answering the call of the mountains, and my curiosities, turned into so much more than I could have hoped for.  While I learned a lot through my research, I learned far more about myself.  It’s silly, but sometimes the hardest people to trust and be honest with is ourselves. Traveling solo gave me no choice but to trust the fact that I possess all the tools necessary to do absolutely everything my heart desires.  But I could not be more thankful for those uncomfortable moments, the ones that drew me out of my comfort zone to put me in that mindset.  I look back now and realize that my trip wouldn’t be half of what it was without them.  I may have never climbed to the tippy top of Bell Rock, learned about all of those companies, or made amazing friends out of complete strangers.  Those life changing experiences I keep talking about, well those don’t happen without some open-mindedness and trust.  Being completely authentic with myself and trusting that people are generally good is what allowed me to jump in, take risks, and come home with some bad-ass stories.   Following my passions and embracing everything that the present moment has to offer, has elevated my life in so many ways.   So often I hear about the “finer things in life”, as if it’s something to strive for.  If I can pass along anything that I have learned, it is that the finer things are right in front of you…

So what now?  Well, currently I am in New Jersey, making up for a summer’s worth of conversation with family and friends.  But I am so excited to put all of my research, learning and passion to use!  Who knows where that will take me.  Perhaps those wide skies will draw me back to the Northwest.  That was the one part of the country, apart from the tri-state, that I could truly see myself living in.   Perhaps I will end up in Philadelphia working at a B-Corp.  But like I said, who knows : ).  I trust that my heart will lead me to exactly where I will be happy and making a difference in the world.  The possibilities are endless, how exciting!!

To everyone who has been keeping up with my adventures and my research, thank you so much for your support and interest.  I cannot express my gratitude enough for your support and your presence in my life.


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